Prayer Focus: God’s Will

Father God, we pray that Your will be done this day, here in earth as it is in Heaven. We pray that our wills be submissive to Yours as we seek Your guidance this day.

We recognize that for Your will to be done in our lives that we must crucify our pride. We must be humbled under Your mighty hand. We must be convinced that Your will is superior to our own, and that Your wisdom is wiser than our foolishness.

How foolish we are to imagine that we know better than You. You are perfect in all Your ways, while we are so flawed and marred by our sin. You have total and perfect knowledge of all that has been and all that will be, while we are so ignorant even of those things that are happening now. How deficient we are in knowing even our own deceitful and treacherous hearts.

We thank You for Your promise that You are working out all things, even those things that we would not choose to experience, for our good and Your ultimate glory. We give You praise that nothing can thwart You in accomplishing all that You desire. Even our sin cannot frustrate Your purpose, so perfect is Your power over Your creation.

We pray that our nation would know that sin is destructive, and that it is righteousness that exalts a nation and not her economy or her military might. Allow our leaders, at every level. To seek Your will in order to bring about the best for those they serve. We ask that You would give us the courage that we need to properly confront our leaders when they deviate from that which You have declared to be good and right.

We thank You that You have given us Your Word, that perfect treasure that contains all that we need for the living of these days and our preparation for the life to come. We know that You desire that we immerse ourselves in its riches in order to grow wise unto salvation and to become more like Christ. We ask that Your Holy Spirit would open our eyes to see Your instruction on every page, knowing that apart from the work of Your Spirit we would not be able to decipher that which is spiritual.

Direct us into obedience, that we might not grieve Your Holy Spirit. Show us the folly of our disobedience, knowing that You are a just God who desires holiness in His people. Do not allow us to deceive ourselves into thinking that sin is anything but an affront to Your holiness.

Allow us to see in Christ Jesus the One who always did the will of the Father. Let Him be our model, just as He is the author and finisher of our faith. Keep us close to Him, allowing Him to order our lives for Your glory. Allow Your Holy Spirit to do His work of sanctification in our lives, just as He did the work of sanctification that originally drew us into Your loving presence.

Remind us once again that our purpose here is to bring glory to Your name, and to hold You up as holy and just. Use our lips this day to proclaim the good news of salvation in Christ to the lost, that they might become true worshipers of You. We thank You that You are using the testimony of Your children to build Your church, and that Your church will withstand all the onslaughts that Satan can muster.

We give You thanks that You have sent Christ Jesus to be our Savior, and that In Him is the perfection of the Godhead. He alone is worthy of all of our praise, all of our honor, all of our worship. Let us be submissive to Him, and allow Him to be the Master of our souls. We pray this in His Name, the Name above all names. Amen